Dylans andra kull

Valpar födda 2+4, 2008-03-04

Mor: Pawtracks Awesome Annie

Far: 4Use Dylan The Great
Valpbilder vecka: 1
Valpar i kullen: Biloxi Jack Sparrow, Biloxi Captain Barbossa, Biloxi Black Pearl, Biloxi Goddess Calypso, Biloxi Tia Dalma, Biloxi Elizabeth Swann


Fouruse's Dylan The Great Vlietstede Dynamite Dancing Dylan Vlietstede Look Its Me Dynamite Don
Vlietstede Dangerous Djina
Jackpack Toffee Fee
Jackpack Paycheck
Jackpack Taffy Tafter
Pawtracks Awesome Annie Ratpack Halo Codered Of Lovealoch
Ratpack Revenge
Ratpack Alice
Ratpack Rattlesnake
Zocoquette Of Lovealoch

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